I'm With The (Lap) Band

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


In the past week or so, I have discovered:

1. That I can survive Thanksgiving without eating mashed potatoes, yams and corn. I can also survive the day without eating that late night left-over turkey sandwich.

2. That I can make all sorts of things with the Vanilla Myocel and not hate it! I love it with frozen blueberries, frozen peaches, frozen cherries, low carb grape juice, generally, any frozen fruits.

3. That I shovel food into my mouth very quickly. OMG! How big my bites are just scare me! I have become so aware of the fact that once I get to the mushies and the solids, I'm going to have to be extra careful of the size of my bites. I know about the chew, chew, chew! But this is going to be more of an issue!


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